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Love > Move > Play

Bringing yoga to you > for your health and happiness.






What is yoga – to me? Everything!

I love yoga! It transformed my life - hence alchamy - the magical process of transformation.

Yoga is a way of life, of being.
Yoga is a roadmap to stilling the mind.

It is a philosophy that acts as a guide to how to show up in the world – in union. The union of mind, body and soul. Complete, in the vibration of love.
Yoga is a practice that gives the tools and awareness to lead a happier life.

Yoga is for EVERY BODY and I want everyone to be able to access it. I approach teaching in a playful, open, supportive way doing everthing I can to make the experience accessable and positive.


If you are looking for increased vitality, a calmer mind, a way to support your transformation then let me be of service to you through this incredible practice.



Yoga asana (postures)

Yoga is a hollistic system that creates wellness for human beings. One aspect is asana.

Move through yoga asana, postures which have many benefits for the body. Through yoga asana build, strength, flexibilty and generate a healthier relationship with your body and your self.

Yoga is so transformational as it works with movement and breath together.

Connecting breath and movement is where the magic happens.

Working with your breath is how you tap into the parasympathetic nervous system (relax).

I focus on alignment to help you understand the postures and learn where your body is in space.



Yoga is fun!
and for every body.

There are infinite ways to gain benefit from your practice whatever your ability.

I invite you to step into a playful, curious, wonderous space of what your body CAN do.  I embody this in my practice and teaching.

Enjoy your body, your breath - the miraculous unique human being. You are a wonder, discover yourself.

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