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amy of alchamy


'I am'

I am amy, I am Nottingham based. I am a playful person with an abundance of energy and a good sense of humour. I am passionate that we all have a responsibility to make our world a better place and that starts with ourselves.


My working life has been a dedication to serving others, working with children, young people and their families. I did not always have the tools for this to be healthy and also serve me. Yoga means that I am now able to do this work honouring myself and those I work for and with.

In 2016 I returned to Nottingham and I began a daily yoga practice. Which transformed my life, connected me with my self, with spirit and provided me with peace in my mind and a way to, connect with, and honour my body.

In 2018 I completed 360 hours Yoga Teacher Training with Rainbow Yoga. I have been sharing the practice of yoga through classes and one to one’s since this time. Sharing the practice of yoga is a deep honour and one of my greatest joys. I believe that yoga is for every body and my practice endeavours to ensure that my offerings are accessible to all.

In May 2023 I completed a further 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training course, with Deep Yoga, a studio in Nottingham where I practice and teach community yoga classes. In July 2023 I competed a further 25 hours training in inversions with Miles Mortensen at Indaba Yoga in London.

I am a student, first and foremost. I practice yoga through how I live my life, with joy, acceptance and compassion, and with a daily practice. I attend yoga classes and training regularly.

- Amy


"Amy is a beautiful soul of many talents. She has a wonderful way of connecting with people beyond the level of simple conversation and understanding. She has a vibrant energy that brings the kind of joy and lightness found in childhood, whilst offering a deep compassion, human honesty and directness that encourages people to really listen and work with and on themselves to manifest their own personal transformation".

- DS

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